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Upcoming & Past School Workshops

Thursday 8th May - Friday 27th June

Golnaz Fathi uses text, layers and repetition to express her emotions and imagination, students will respond to the art works by experimenting with these techniques and then create a collaborative piece.

Nursery, KS1 and 2

We will go on a multi-sensory journey to the Middle East and reflect on traditional stories such as tales from Arabian Nights and then respond to these stories by creating collaborative landscapes using wax-drawing, calligraphy, and collage techniques.

KS3, KS4 and KS5

We will respond to the artworks in a more conceptual way and use the themes of text, layers and calligraphy to deepen the students own knowledge and skill set by challenging them to develop their own practice, portfolios and projects.

Please bring in their sketchbooks!

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